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Training Library : Training Topic : Searching

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Level Module Module Name Description Objectives & Pre-requisites Download Download presenter notes
0 0 training objectives text info
Objectives 1. to provide the Training Officer with a list of the training objectives that can be achieved by means of these modules
Prerequisites none
0 1 introduction to searching Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to appreciate the different phases that an incident goes through
2. to enable the student to understand the types of searching generally used in each phase
Prerequisites none
0 2 the visual process Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand the visual process
2. to enable the student to appreciate the distinction between seeing and detecting
Prerequisites none
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0 3 detection of colours in daylight exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to investigate the effects of colour in searching for missing objects
2. to practice individual search skills
Prerequisites searching modules 0.1 and 0.2
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0 4 using lights to search Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to appreciate the type of lighting used for searching at night
2. to provide the student with some guidelines on how to use them
Prerequisites searching modules 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3
0 5 detection of colours at night exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to investigate the effect of colour on detection of targets at night
2. to enable the student to understand the importance of a description of the colour of the clothing that a missing person is likely to be wearing
Prerequisites groundsearch modules 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4
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1 1 searching a route in daylight Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to explain the individual skills required to search a route as a member of a small field team in daylight
Prerequisites all level 0 searching modules
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1 2 searching a route in daylight exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to develop the individual skills required to search a route in daylight
2. to allow the student to develop the skills needed to search a route in daylight as a member of a group
Prerequisites all levels 0 searching modules and searching module 1.1
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1 3 searching a route at night exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to develop the individual skills required to search a route at night
2. to allow the student to develop the skills necessary to search along a route at night as a member of a group
Prerequisites all level 0 groundsearch modules plus groundsearch modules 1.1 and 1.2
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1 4 finding Critical Separation Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand how Critical Separation can be found in the field
Prerequisites all level 0 searching modules
1 5 finding Critical Separation exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable members of a field team to be able to find Critical Separation in the field
2. to enable members of a field team to understand what affects Critical Separation
3. to enable members of a field team to be able to choose a suitable location for the determination of Critical Separation
Prerequisites all level 0 gridsearch modules plus gridsearch module 1.4
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1 6 grid searching Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable students to develop an understanding of grid searching
2. to enable students to understand the limitations of grid searching
Prerequisites all level 0 groundsearch modules plus groundsearch modules 1.4 and 1.5
1 7 grid searching exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand the principles involved in grid searching
2. to teach the student the individual skills required to be a member of a grid search team
3. to teach them how to operate as a member of a grid search team
Prerequisites all groundsearch level 0 modules plus groundsearch modules 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6
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1 8 demonstrating Critical Separation Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to demonstrate how far apart searchers can be and still be able to detect the object for which they are searching
Prerequisites all groundsearch level 0 modules and modules 1.4 and 1.5
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2 1 purposeful wandering Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand why purposeful wandering is necessary
2. to teach the student the correct way to purposefully wander
Prerequisites all level 0 groundsearch modules, plus groundsearch modules 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
2 2 purposeful wandering exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand why purposeful wandering is necessary
2. to teach the student the correct way to purposefully wander
Prerequisites all level 0 groundsearch modules, plus groundsearch modules 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.1
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2 3 sub-sectoring Powerpoint presentation info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand the principles involved in sub-sectoring
Prerequisites all level 0 and 1 groundsearch modules plus groundsearch modules 2.1 and 2.2
2 4 sub-sectoring exercise plan info
Objectives 1. to enable the student to understand the principles involved in sub-sectoring
2. to teach the student the individual skills needed to be a member of a team that uses sub-sectoring
3. to teach the student how to operate as a member of a team that can use sub-sectoring
Prerequisites all level 0 and level 1 groundsearch modules, plus groundsearch modules 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
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